Know more about SPPC Ayurvedic Wellness Center

SPPC was founded by its parent entity Param Shakti Peeth, a non-profit humanitarian organization working for the bottom-of-the-pyramid population (since 1992) to further the shared responsibility of `Bharat Nirmaan’.

As such, Param Shakti Peeth is implementing a number of social projects (child development, youth development, women empowerment, community health, etc.) across different states of India to benefit the unserved and underserved communities towards creating a more `inclusive society’.

Good health of all Indians is imperative for `Bharat Nirmaan’ and to build a prosperous India. To promote holistic health and boost healthcare infrastructure, Param Shakti Peeth established Swami Parmanand Prakritik Chikitsalaya (SPPC), Yogevam Anusandhan Kendra (Research Centre) in the nation’s capital Delhi in year 2016. The fundamental objective of SPPC is to help people discover and maintain good health and overall well-being through natural ways that come from our ancient wisdom and have been tested over centuries.

At SPPC, we just do not focus on physical health alone, but work towards harmonizing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects to facilitate holistic health and overall well-being.

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